enquiry@listezpur.com +91-7086807081 03712-296136

Guidelines for Parents


  • Parents must log on to the school portal from time to time, as all important information regarding the schedules of examination/Open House/workshops, change in syllabus and announcement of untimely holidays are always communicated through the Homepage of the school portal.
  • Parents are advised to maintain a close contact with the school for the optimum benefit of their ward.
  • Open House should be attended regularly in order to get apprised about the progress of their child.
  • Any change in the phone nos./email id/postal address must be updated in the school records at the earliest.
  • School bags need to be checked regularly for any circular, worksheet, invitation or homework given in the almanac. Remarks put down in the almanac should be seen and countersigned regularly.
  • The school issues regular newsletters to students from Classes Nursery to XII on the school portal. Parents are requested to keep a regular check of the school website and almanac for any important message or circular.
  • Any communication to the school should be addressed to the Principal on an A-4 sheet. The student’s name, class, section, admission no., address and phone no. should be mentioned clearly on all applications.
  • As the medium of instruction in school is English, a certain amount of regular conversation in English should be encouraged at home to help the students enhance their communication skills and facilitate their homework.
  • All the school rules must be read carefully and explained to the children.
  • Bullying is one of the biggest educational issues. Any incident of bullying, if noticed, should be brought to the attention of the school authorities at the earliest in order to achieve a safe and child-friendly environment in the school.


  • Information sheets and health proformas given in the beginning of the session must be filled by the parents in their own handwriting.
  • Ensure that the special badges awarded to your ward are worn by him/her daily to school.
  • In case there is a delay in picking up the child from the school due to some unavoidable reason, the same should be intimated to the school reception at the earliest. Students under no circumstances will be allowed to leave the school premises unescorted.
  • Inappropriate conduct may lead to suspension from school.
  • Visit to a friend's/relative's house from the school is not permissible.
  • Only toffees (no chocolates) of known brands are to be distributed on the occasion of birthdays. Any other form of celebration is not allowed.
  • Reading newspaper is an important habit which should be inculcated early in life. ‘Current Affairs’ form a compulsory evaluation component of the Unit Tests. Hence, the child should be encouraged to devote regular time and effort in this area.
  • Ensure that your ward carries books/notebooks as per the time-table. No extra books or stationery should be brought to school.
  • Lunch box, water bottle and other necessary art/craft items must be sent along with the child. Any packet sent to the school later will not be accepted for security reasons.
  • Permission to take back the ward/any other student while visiting the school should not be sought.
  • Avoid sending any unnecessary cash to the school. Parents of Class Nur-V should not send any cash to school through the child.
  • Attention should be paid to the neat turn out of your ward every day.


  • Negative reaction towards any other student/parent/staff member of the school on receiving any sort of complaint should be avoided.
  • All complaints/grievances must be brought to the notice of the Class Teacher/Coordinator/ Vice-Principal/Principal without any fear of retaliation.


  • Responsibility to escort the students on trips, outings and in school buses should be undertaken whenever required.
  • Responsibility of the children should be shared proactively with the teachers during any school activity/function.
  • Meetings arranged by the School Counsellor, whenever required, should be attended and suggestions given by her should be taken up seriously.


  • Parents should try to be role models for their children.
  • Children should be encouraged to imbibe the right values and life skills at home.
  • Spend quality time with your child on a regular basis.
  • Children should be assisted in completing the assigned tasks.
  • The selection of age appropriate TV programmes and their time limit should be strictly monitored by the parents.
  • Net surfing by the children should be done under the strict supervision and guidance of the parents.
  • Your child should refrain from being a part of social networking websites.